dedicated Professionals, amateur comedians

Our dedication to delivering top-quality craftsmanship on every project is no joke, even if we are known to joke around onsite. It is the professional yet down-to-earth nature of our team that our clients love.

We truly believe that if you love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life, and our tight-knit team is a testament to the perfect work/life balance that we’ve created.


Managing Director

Before deciding to study carpentry Jono was a pre-school teacher. He loves kids which is probably why he is so good teaching Tim and Justin (patience is key)

Fun Fact
Jono HATES beer and no one believes him when he says he drinks Cruisers!


BUSINESs manager

Kristy is a former Events Director and brings a wealth of knowledge when it comes to managing a team and running a busy office and the teams socials

Fun Fact
Kristy is Jono's other half



Timmy was an international model before re-joining the team. He worked with Jono back in 2015 and 2016, and he has just completed Certificate III in Carpentry

Fun Fact
Tim works at Gracelands on weekends and hits the gym in his spare time


1st Year Apprentice

Justin completed work experience with us when he was in year 11 at school. After his 5 days were up, he decided school wasn’t for him and joined our team as soon as he could. Justin is currently studying Certificate III in Carpentry.

Fun Fact
Justin is rarely called by his actual name and goes by “Frenchy”


On-site Support

Our very own On-site Support, Milo, keeps a watchful eye over the team. He is always up for a cuddle and makes sure there’s time for an afternoon play

Fun Fact
Milo is a 5-year-old Border Collie, and Jono and Kristy's furbaby

careers & work experience

Are you looking for work?

If the work we are doing is of interest to you, or you are a student looking to join us for work experience, please get in touch with us.